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Hey everyone! I apologize for the time it has been since my last blog post!! We are officially done with ministry in Nicaragua! We left base yesterday, and we are now staying at another location in Nicaragua for debrief! We will be here for a week, and we get to use this time to rest, recharge, connect with each other and the Lord, and get to debrief and process all that has happened in Nicaragua before we head to our next country!

Next Monday, we leave for South Asia! Our teams will be splitting up, so I will only be with my leader and three teammates! While in South Asia, my team will be involved in a lot of underground ministry, and since where we are going is a closed country, I’m unable to share details about what ministry will look like! I will also not be able to post any blogs while I am there, and anything posted on social media will not be related to ministry! I am so looking forward to updating you all on what ministry looked like once we leave! We will be there for only 40 days, and I am so excited to see what the Lord will do in that time!

Leaving our base here in Nicaragua was so hard as our squad was very connected with the people here, but it has been so beautiful to see how the Lord has touched all of our lives through Him and each other!

Something that has really been on my heart lately is the steadfast love of the Lord!

“For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100‬:‭5‬ ‭

“Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever!”
Psalms 106:1

The Lord has been showing me more and more of how He is steadfast in His love! He will never fail!

“God is love, and whoever abides in love, abides in Him.”
1 John 4:16

As I have learned more about the love of the Lord, I have been challenged in the way that I love those around me! The Bible says that believers will be known by the way they love! It was so beautiful to see how our squad was able to pour into the lives of so many Nicaraguans(as well as be poured into!!) through the steadfast love of the Lord!! As I’ve walked more in the confidence of His love for me, I’m able to pour that onto the people around me! Lives of squad mates and Nicaraguans have been changed and affected solely by the love of the Lord expressed through His followers! The Lord is so good, + His love is STEADFAST + unchanging!

During my team’s last micro church last Wednesday, we were able to spend time as the body of Christ praying over all those in need of prayer! We spent time in group prayer, anointing, worship, and encouragement! We also shared some food together, and it was so truly beautiful to see the body of Christ so united over worshipping the Lord even through there was a divide within our languages! Before we left, the church prayed over my team as well as we head into our next country! Thank you God!

Thank you all for all of your encouragement, prayers, and support! Please continue to pray for our squad and team as we prepare head into different areas in South Asia!

3 responses to “last week in Nicaragua!!”

  1. Awh Madelyn this is so beautiful! I’m so excited for you and I’m praying for you in this transition!! ❤️